AVL SCHRICK GmbH nabízí práci v Česko (CZ) na pozici
Intern/Master/Working student in Mladá Boleslav
Czech Version - click away the English Language if not needed!
Your Future in New Energy Technology at AVL! 🌍🔋
Become part of an innovative team in the Powertrain & Non-Automotive division!
We are looking for interns, working students and career starters who would like to work with us on innovative technologies in the areas of: Calibration, design, simulation, system and function development and battery technology.
Join an innovative team in the field of Powertrain & Non-Automotive!
We develop groundbreaking solutions in calibration, design, simulation, system and function development, as well as battery technology.
Your chance to actively shape the future of mobility!
We are looking for interns, working students, and entry-level professionals who want to work on innovative technologies with us
You’re the perfect fit if you...
🎓 Are studying a technical or scientific field
📌 Are independent, proactive, innovative, and a true creative thinker
🌍 Have strong English and German language skills
✅ International experience through exciting projects
✅ Team events for networking and exchange
✅ AVL Academy to support your professional development
✅ Work with a highly skilled team
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AVL Česká republika je pobočkou společnosti AVL Schrick GmbH. Společnost AVL Schrick GmbH, založená v roce 2002 skupinou AVL, se svými 250 zaměstnanci instaluje a optimalizuje pohony a vysoce výkonné systémy, jako jsou baterie, palivové články, kogenerační jednotky, tepelná čerpadla atd. pro celosvětově uznávané výrobce OEM z automobilového a energetického sektoru. Hlavním cílem našeho projektu je zavádět ekologicky šetrná technická řešení, trvale snižovat emise CO2 a snižovat závislost na fosilních palivech.
Mladá Boleslav, CZ