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Due to increased workload AVL-AST D.O.O., Ulica Kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor offers a job as

Simulacijski inženir (Sistemi) - m/ž

Simulation Engineer (Systems)


Družba AVL-AST D.O.O. Ulica kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor, zaradi povečanega obsega dela, objavlja prosto delovno mesto:

Simulacijski inženir (Sistemi) - m/ž

Simulation Engineer (Systems)







Splošne odgovornosti:

  • Samostojna in skupinska tehnična izvedba projektov strank in internih R&R projektov
  • Dokumentiranje in predstavitev rezultatov strankam in interno
  • Post procesiranje in obdelava rezultatov, grafik in kvantitativno ocenjevanje
  • Obdelava testnih podatkov in primerjava rezultatov simulacij s testnimi rezultati
  • Pridobivanje specializiranega znanja s kontinuiranim procesom učenja, ki bazira na konceptu individualnih treningov
  • Delo v mednarodni projektni ekipi
  • Sodelovanje z različnimi AVL-ovimi projektnimi oddelki po svetu
  • Profesionalni kontakt in podpora našim mednarodnim strankam


Področje dela:

  • Simulacije vozil in pogonov prihodnosti, ki bodo prišla na trg šele čez nekaj let
  • Razvoj sistemov za BEV, PHEV, FC in ICE pogonske sklope na nivoju vozila
  • Definiranje specifikacij sistema in komponent v procesu razvoja pogonskega sklopa vozil
  • Upravljanje simulacij, pregled rezultatov in izdelava poročil  


General responsibilities:

  • Independent and team technical execution of customer and internal R&D projects
  • Documentation and presentation of project results at customers and internal
  • Processing of measurement data and comparison of simulation results with test results
  • Continuous technical expertise development based on individual trainings concept
  • Work in an international project team
  • Cooperation with different AVL project departments around the world
  • You will be a professional contact and support to our international customers


Field of work:

  • Simulation of vehicles and powertrains of the future that others will only see on the market years from now
  • Development of systems architectures of BEV, PHEV, FC and ICE powertrains on vehicle level
  • Definition of the specification for systems and components in the process of vehicle powertrain development
  • Managing simulations, reviewing results and preparing reports





  • Diploma iz elektrotehnike, mehatronike, tehnologije vozil, fizike, strojništva, elektronike, telematike ali podobnega
  • Obsežne izkušnje z Matlab/Simulinkom
  • Poznavanje hibridnih in električnih pogonskih sklopov in komponent
  • Zaželene so izkušnje z orodji za simulacijo vozil in pogonskih sklopov
  • Aktivno znanje angleškega in/ali nemškega jezika
  • Mednarodne komunikacijske, organizacijske in koordinacijske izkušnje so prednost
  • Izkušnje in prilagodljivost v direktnih odnosih do strank in sposobnost timskega, kakor tudi samostojnega in proaktivnega dela
  • Zanimanje in izkušnje iz avtomobilske industrijo je prednost
  • Pripravljenost za kratkoročna potovanja v tujino


  • Degree in electrical engineering, mechatronics, vehicle technology, physics, mechanical engineering, electronics, telematics or similar
  • Extensive experience with Matlab/Simulink
  • Knowledge of hybrid and electric powertrains & components
  • Experience with vehicle and powertrain simulation tools is preferred
  • Your language skills in English and/or German is at least at an intermediate level
  • International experience in communication, organisation and coordination is an advantage
  • Experience and flexibility in direct customer relations and the ability to work as part of a team as well as independently and proactively
  • Interest and experience from automotive industry is an advantage
  • Short term business travel to abroad is acceptable for you





  • Zaposlitev za določen čas enega leta, z možnostjo kasnejše zaposlitve za nedoločen čas 
  • Fleksibilen delovni čas z možnostjo dela od doma
  • Možnost dela v naših pisarnah v Mariboru ali v Ljubljani
  • Delo v mednarodnem okolju
  • Mentorstvo za čas poskusne dobe
  • Možnost strokovnega in osebnega razvoja ter izobraževanj
  • Skrb za zdravje zaposlenih v sklopu programa za promocijo zdravja na delovnem mestu


  • Temporary employment with option for permanent employment
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of working from home
  • Possibility to work in our offices in Maribor or Ljubljana
  • Work in an international environment
  •  Mentorship for the time of probation
  • Opportunities for professional and personal development and education
  • Care for the health of employees as part of the workplace health promotion program



Vas delo zanima?
Če je tako, Vas vabimo, da uporabite naš spletni portal ter se prijavite na! Prijava je mogoča do vključno: 30.09.2024.


If so, please use our online application tool to send your application to AVL job portal Applications are available until: 30.09.2024.

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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AVL is not just about cars. It's about changing the future. Together.


Maribor, SI Ljubljana, SI

Company:  AVL-AST D.O.O.
Job Function:  Powertrain Engineering
Contract Type:  Temporary
Posting Date:  Aug 28, 2024
Job ID:  37320

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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Job Segment: Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical, Engineering, Automotive, Science

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