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Due to increased workload AVL-AST D.O.O., Ulica Kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor offers a job as

Razvojno podporni inženir (PEM gorivne celice in elektrolizerji) (m/ž)

Simulation Engineer Software Services (PEM Fuel Cell and Electrolyser Systems)

Družba AVL-AST D.O.O. Ulica kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor, zaradi povečanega obsega dela, objavlja prosto delovno mesto:

Razvojno podporni inženir (PEM gorivne celice in elektrolizerji) (m/ž)

Simulation Engineer Software Services (PEM Fuel Cell and Electrolyser Systems)


Iščemo sposobne in ambiciozne kandidate s predznanjem fizike, kemije, strojništva ali mehatronike za izvajanje nalog s področja razvoja simulacijskih modelov gorivnih celic in elektrolizerjev , baterij in krmilnih sistemov v simulacijskem orodju, ki ga razvijajo v matičnem podjetju AVL List GmbH. Poudarek bo na razvoju simulacijskih modelov nizkotemperaturnih gorivnih celic in elektrolizerjev, baterij in krmilnih sistemov, njihova integracija ter analiza delovanja modela celotnega sistema.


We are looking for talented students/candidates with the background in physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering or mechatronics to develop simulation models of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell and electrolyser systems, batteries and the control systems by using simulation tools developed by the parent company AVL List GmbH. The focus will be on the development of PEM fuel cell and electrolyser system models, control system models, their integration and plausibility analysis of the entire system model operation.





  • Načrtovanje in razvoj pogonskih in krmilnih sistemov na osnovi PEM gorivnih celic in baterij v simulacijskem orodju, ki ga razvijajo v matičnem podjetju AVL List GmbH.
  • Integracija modelov pogonskih in krmilnih sistemov v model vozila.
  • Načrtovanje in razvoj sistemov za pridobivanje vodika na osnovi elektrolize z uporabo nizkotemperaturnih (PEM) in visokotemperaturnih (SOFC) elektrolizerjev v orodju, ki ga razvijajo v matičnem podjetju AVL List GmbH.
  • Preverjanje pravilnosti delovanja razvitih simulacijskih modelov.
  • Verifikacija pravilnosti delovanja simulacijskega orodja.
  • Pisanje tehničnih vsebin v angleškem jeziku.
  • Podpora in šolanje strank.
  • Razvoj novih metod za učinkovito uporabo simulacijskega orodja.
  • Projekti za stranke.
  • Druge naloge po navodilih nadrejenih v okviru iste vrste del in nalog, znotraj iste stopnje zahtevnosti.


  • Development of the PEM fuel cell and electrolyser stack, balance of the plant, battery and control system models for stationary and mobile applications.
  • Integration with the system control models.
  • Verification and plausibility check of developed models.
  • Verification of the simulation tools.
  • Writing technical documentation in English.
  • Customer support and training.
  • Methodology development.
  • Customer projects.
  • Other tasks according to instructions by superiors within the same type of work and tasks, within the same level of difficulty.




  • Zaključen študij oz. absolventski staž fizike, kemije, strojništva, mehatronike ali podobno.
  • Znanja s področij termodinamike, mehanike tekočin, prenosa toplote in kemije.
  • Znanja s področja elekrotehnike in krmiljenja mehatronskih sistemov.
  • Zaželeno poznavanje vozil in pogonskih sklopov.
  • Poznavanje osnov MATLAB/Simulinka, C++, Python, ipd. Dobro poznavanje programiranja v Pytonu je prednost.
  • Sposobnost samostojnega, sistematičnega, timskega dela.
  • Komunikacijske, organizacijske sposobnosti.
  • Znanje angleščine in pripravljenost za mednarodno sodelovanje.


  • Finished study or graduate internship of Master’s Study of physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, mechatronics or similar.
  • Knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, chemistry.
  • Basic knowledge of the electrical engineering and controls of mechatronic systems.
  • Basic knowledge of vehicles and powertrains.
  • Basic knowledge of MATLAB / Simulink, C ++, Python, etc. Good knowledge of the programming in Python, etc. is advantage.
  • The ability to work independently, systematically, in a team.
  • Fluent English and willingness for an international cooperation.
  • Willingness to learn about new technologies.
  • Good communication skills and precise, reliable, pro-active personality.




  • Zaposlitev za določen čas enega leta s 6-mesečno poskusno dobo in možnostjo kasnejše zaposlitve za nedoločen čas.
  • Delo v mednarodnem okolju in sodelovanje z velikimi imeni avtomobilske industrije.
  • Nenehno izobraževanje v sklopu AVL akademije.
  • Zanimivi izzivi in velik spekter delovnih zadolžitev.
  • Fleksibilen delovni čas, možnost dela na domu.


  • Temporary employment with a 6-month probation, with the possibility of an employment for indefinite period in the future.
  • Work in international environment with great names of automotive industry.
  • Constant education in the scope of AVL Academy.
  • Interesting challenges and large variety of working tasks.
  • Flexible working time, possibility of home office.


Vas delo zanima?
Če je tako, Vas vabimo, da uporabite naš spletni portal ter se prijavite na! Prijava je mogoča do vključno: 31.03.2025.

If so, please use our online application tool to send your application to AVL job portal Applications are available until: 31.03.2025.

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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Maribor, SI

Company:  AVL-AST D.O.O.
Job Function:  Global Customer Services & Engineering
Contract Type:  Temporary
Posting Date:  Jan 31, 2025
Job ID:  37941

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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Job Segment: Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineering, Engineer, Physics, Engineering, Customer Service, Science

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