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Due to increased workload AVL-AST D.O.O., Ulica Kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor offers a job as

Razvojni inženir programske opreme (m/ž) - Razvijalec vgrajene/programske opreme


Družba AVL-AST D.O.O. Ulica kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor, zaradi občasno povečanega obsega dela, objavlja prosto delovno mesto:

Razvojni inženir programske opreme (m/ž) - Razvijalec vgrajene/programske opreme






  • Samostojna in skupinska tehnična izvedba projektov strank in internih projektov.
  • Dokumentiranje in predstavitev rezultatov strankam in interno.
  • Obdelava testnih podatkov in primerjava rezultatov simulacij s testnimi rezultati.
  • Pridobivanje specializiranega znanja s kontinuiranim procesom učenja, ki bazira na konceptu individualnih treningov.
  • Sodelovanje z različnimi AVLovimi projektnimi oddelki po svetu.
  • Razvoj programske opreme v okolju Yocto/Linux.
  • Oblikovanje programske opreme za arhitekturo ARM.
  • Razvoj izdelkov na področju močnostne elektronike, predvsem za inverterske in naprave za enosmerni tok.
  • Razvoj izdelkov in modulov močnostne elektronike v okoljih realnega časa na različnih krmilniških platformah.
  • Tehnična izvedba kot del razvojne ekipe, običajno na podlagi metodologije SCRUM.
  • Izvedba ustreznih proizvodnih in integracijskih testov.


  • Independent and team technical execution of customer and internal R&D projects.
  • Documentation and presentation of project results at customers and internally.
  • Continous technical expertise development based on individual trainings concept.
  • Work in an international project team.
  • Cooperation with different AVL project departments around the world.
  • SW Development in Yocto/Linux Environment.
  • Designing SW for ARM architecture.
  • Development of products in the field of power electronics, especially for Inverter and DC devices.
  • Development of power electronics products and modules in real-time environments on different controller platforms.
  • Technical implementation as part of a development team, typically based on SCRUM methodology.
  • Execution of appropriate product and integration tests.






  • Diploma iz računalništva, avtomatizacije, elektrotehnike, elektronike, telekomunikacij, informatike ali podobno.
  • Dobre sposobnosti programiranja v: C/C++, Linux, Python.
  • Izkušnje z razvojem vgrajene programske opreme na osnovi Linuxa na sodobnih arhitekturah ARM.
  • Dobre komunikacijske, organizacijske in koordinacijske sposobnosti.
  • Visoka stopnja samozavesti in prilagodljivosti do strank ter odlično timsko delo.
  • Dobro znanje nemškega in/ali angleškega jezika.


Naslednja znanja so zaželjena:


  • Osnovna znanja iz elektrotehnike in teorije meritev.
  • Osnovno znanje o vgrajenih operacijskih sistemih (FreeRTOS, TI-SysBIOS itd.).
  • Poznavanje komunikacijskih standardov (CAN / Ethernet / EtherCAT).
  • Izkušnje z eno od naslednjih tehnologij: U-Boot, Linux Kernel in Yocto Project.
  • Izkušnje na področju avtomatiziranega testiranja in CI/CD (npr. Azure DevOps).



  • Degree in Computer Science, Automation Engineering, Electrotechnics, Electronics, Telecommunication, Informatics or similar.
  • Good programming skills in: C/C++, Linux, Python.
  • Experience in Linux based embedded software development  on modern ARM architectures.
  • Very good skills in communication, organisation and coordination.
  • High degree of self-reliance and flexibility towards customers and excellent teamwork.
  • Very good command of German and/or English.


Of advantage is the following:


  • Basic knowledge in electrotechnics and measurement theory.
  • Basic knowledge in embedded operating systems (FreeRTOS, TI-SysBIOS etc.).
  • Knowledge in communication standards (CAN / Ethernet / EtherCAT).
  • Experience in one of the following technology: U-Boot, Linux Kernel and the Yocto Project.
  • Experience in automated testing and CI/CD (e. g. Azure DevOps).




  • Zaposlitev za določen čas enega leta s 6-mesečno poskusno dobo in možnostjo kasnejše zaposlitve za nedoločen čas.
  • Fleksibilen delovni čas z možnostjo dela od doma.
  • Delo v mednarodnem okolju.

  • Mentorstvo za čas poskusne dobe.

  • Možnosti strokovnega in osebnega razvoja ter izobraževanj.

  • Skrb za zdravje zaposlenih v sklopu programa za promocijo zdravja na delovnem mestu.



  • Temporary employment with a 6-month probation, with the possibility of an employment for indefinite period in the future.
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of working from home.
  • Work in an international environment.
  • Mentorship for the time of probation.
  • Opportunities for professional and personal development and education.
  • Care for the health of employees as part of the workplace health promotion program.




If so, please use our online application tool to send your application to AVL job portal
Applications are available until: 30.11.2024.


Vas delo zanima?
Če je tako, Vas vabimo, da uporabite naš spletni portal ter se prijavite na! Prijava je mogoča do vključno: 30.11.2024.


About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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AVL is not just about cars. It's about changing the future. Together.


Maribor, SI

Company:  AVL-AST D.O.O.
Job Function:  Instrumentation and Test Systems
Contract Type:  Temporary
Posting Date:  Oct 21, 2024
Job ID:  37610

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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Job Segment: Embedded, Linux, Testing, Informatics, Computer Science, Technology

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