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Due to increased workload AVL-AST D.O.O., Ulica Kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor offers a job as

Razvojni inženir (m/ž/d) za elektriko vozil s poudarkom na razvoju funkcij

Development Engineer (m/f/d) for Vehicle Electrics with focus on Function Development


Družba AVL-AST D.O.O. Ulica kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor, zaradi povečanega obsega dela, objavlja prosto delovno mesto:

Razvojni inženir (m/ž/d) za elektriko vozil s poudarkom na razvoju funkcij

Development Engineer (m/f/d) for Vehicle Electrics with focus on Function Development







  • Kot razvojni inženir (m/ž/d) za elektriko vozil boste del razvojne ekipe za električne komponente in funkcije omrežja vozil s konvencionalnimi, hibridnimi in električnimi pogonskimi sistemi.
  • Na podlagi fizikalnih zakonitosti, specifikacij strank ali dobaviteljev ter svetovnih standardov boste definirali zahteve za krmilne ali diagnostične funkcije električnih komponent v vozilu.
  • Ocenjevali boste programske koncepte (programska oprema, programska arhitektura, funkcija), usklajevali zahteve in jih definirali v specifikacijah.
  • Natančno boste analizirali merilne rezultate HIL ali vozniških testov, jih ocenjevali glede na funkcionalne zahteve ter izpeljali tehnične ukrepe.
  • Razvijali boste prilagojene rešitve za funkcije krmilnih enot, jih usklajevali s tehničnimi strokovnjaki, dobavitelji ali drugimi udeleženci v procesu in jih pripeljali do serijske proizvodnje.
  • Poleg tega se boste samostojno usklajevali z drugimi udeleženci projekta v tujem jeziku, dokumentirali in predstavljali razvojne rezultate ter s tem prispevali k doseganju projektnih ciljev.


  • As a Development Engineer (m/f/d) for vehicle electrics, you are part of the development team for electrical components and functions of the on-board network of vehicles with conventional, hybrid, and electric drive systems.
  • Based on physical interrelationships, customer or supplier specifications, and global standards, you define the requirements for control or diagnostic functions of electrical components in the vehicle.
  • Evaluate software concepts (software, software architecture, function), coordinate the requirements, and define them in the specification sheet.
  • In-depth analysis of the measurement results from HIL or vehicle tests, their evaluation regarding functional requirements, and the derivation of technical measures are also part of your tasks.
  • Develop tailored solutions for control unit functions, coordinate them with technical experts, suppliers, or other process participants, and bring them to series production.
  • Additionally, you independently coordinate with other project participants, document and present the development results, and thus contribute to achieving the project goals.






  • Tekoče znanje nemškega jezika na nivoju aktivne komunikacije z več osebami hkrati, ter zelo dobro znanje angleščine. (nivo B ali C).
  • Zaključeno izobrazbo na področju elektrotehnike, mehatronike ali primerljivo kvalifikacijo ter več letne delovne izkušnje.


Druga zaželena znanja:

  • Radi veliko časa komunicirate s strankami in sodelavci ter delate strukturirano, natančno in samostojno.
  • Pričakujemo fleksibilnost, ustvarjalnost in zelo dobre analitične sposobnosti.
  • Imate dobro sistemsko razumevanje omrežja vozila in njegovih komponent ter funkcij.
  • Idealno je, da imate prve izkušnje pri razvoju funkcij in razvoju električnih komponent.
  • Imate izkušnje z razvojnimi orodji, kot so Matlab-Simulink, Jira ali Confluence.


  • Fluent German at the level of active communication with multiple people in a foreign language and very good English skills. (level B of or C)
  • You have completed education in the field of electrical engineering, mechatronics, or a comparable qualification as well as several years of professional experience.


Other qualifications:

  • You enjoy communicating a lot with customers and colleagues and work in a structured, precise, and independent manner.
  • We expect flexibility, creativity, and very good analytical skills.
  • You have a good systemic understanding of the vehicle network and its components as well as functions.
  • Initial experience in function development and the development of electrical components available.
  • You have experience with development tools such as Matlab-Simulink, Jira, or Confluence.







  • Zaposlitev za določen čas enega leta s 6-mesečno poskusno dobo in možnostjo kasnejše zaposlitve za nedoločen čas.
  • Fleksibilen delovni čas z možnostjo dela od doma in v pisarni.
  • Nadpovprečen regres in božičnica.
  • Delo v mednarodnem okolju.
  • Delovno okolje, ki je prijetno in dinamično ter ceni spoštovanje in sodelovanje.
  • Mentorstvo za čas poskusne dobe.
  • Možnosti strokovnega in osebnega razvoja ter izobraževanj.
  • Skrb za zdravje zaposlenih v sklopu programa za promocijo zdravja na delovnem mestu.




  • Fixed-term employment with the possibility of permanent employment.
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of working remotely.
  • Above-average holiday pay and Christmas bonus.
  • Work in an international environment.
  • A pleasant and dynamic work environment that values respect and collaboration.
  • Employee training, both professionally and personally.
  • Mentoring during the probationary period.
  • Opportunities for professional and personal development as well as further training.
  • Employee health care as part of the workplace health promotion program.






If so, please use our online application tool to send your application to AVL job portal
Applications are available until: 28.02.2025.


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Če je tako, Vas vabimo, da uporabite naš spletni portal ter se prijavite na! Prijava je mogoča do vključno: 28.02.2025.

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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Maribor, SI

Company:  AVL-AST D.O.O.
Job Function:  Global Customer Services & Engineering
Contract Type:  Temporary
Posting Date:  Jan 24, 2025
Job ID:  37897

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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Job Segment: Electrical Engineering, Engineer, Electrical, Engineering

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