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Due to increased workload AVL-AST D.O.O., Ulica Kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor offers a job as

Inženir za preverjanje in validacijo (Tekočine in termalni sistemi) M/Ž

Verification & Validation Engineer (Fluid & Thermal System)


Družba AVL-AST D.O.O. Ulica kneza Koclja 22, 2000 Maribor, zaradi širjenja svoje delavnosti in povečanega obsega dela, objavlja prosto delovno mesto:

Inženir za preverjanje in validacijo (Tekočine in termalni sistemi) M/Ž

Verification & Validation Engineer (Fluid & Thermal System)






Splošne odgovornosti:


  • Izvajanje ali podpora vseh ustreznih testov preverjanja in potrjevanja, med drugim funkcionalnih testov, testov učinkovitosti, varnosti, robustnosti, zanesljivosti in trajnosti na testnih napravah, testnih poligonih in v vozilih, ki so del razvojnih projektov.
  • Priprava preskusov na podlagi notranjih preskusnih postopkov družbe AVL in preskusnih postopkov, ki jih zagotovi stranka
  • Analiza in razlaga rezultatov preskusov ter po potrebi priporočila za nadaljnje ukrepe zadoseganje tehničnih ciljev
  • Dokumentiranje napak sistema in sestavnih delov, ki se pojavijo med preskušanjem
  • Priprava ustreznih podatkov za priporočila za izdajo in ustrezne dokumentacije
  • Zagotavljanje vhodnih podatkov za nadgradnjo obstoječih in oblikovanje novih preskusnih postopkov
  • Predlaganja ukrepov za optimizacijo preskusov
  • Sodelovanje z različnimi projektnimi oddelki AVL po vsem svetu
  • Strokovni kontakt in podpora našim mednarodnim strankam


Področje dela:


  • Preverjanje in validacija arhitekture toplotnih sistemov pogonskih sklopov BEV, PHEV, FC in ICE (hlajenje sestavnih delov pogonskega sklopa vozila, hladilni krog potniškega prostora, nadzor sistema) na ravni vozila
  • Preverjanje in validacija sistemov za prenos tekočin in hladilnih tokokrogov ter toplotnega upravljanja v fazi zasnove in v procesu serijskega razvoja
  • Raziskovalne dejavnosti na področju upravljanja s toploto v vozilih


General responsibilities:


  • Execution or support of all relevant verification & validation tests incl. but not limited to functional, performance, safety, robustness, reliability and durability tests on test rigs, test beds and in vehicles as part of development projects
  • Preparation of tests based on AVL internal and customer-supplied test procedures
  • Analysis and interpretation of test results and if necessary, recommendations for further actions to achieve the technical targets
  • Documentation of system and component failures that occur during testing
  • Preparation of relevant input for release recommendation and corresponding documentation
  • Provide input for upgrading existing and creation of new test procedures
  • Initiation of optimization measures for the tests
  • Cooperation with different AVL project departments around the world
  • Be a professional contact and support to our international customers


Field of work:


  • Verificatioion & Validation of thermal systems architectures of BEV, PHEV, FC and ICE powertrains (cooling of vehicle powertrain components, passenger compartment cooling circuit, system control) on vehicle level
  • Verificatioion & Validation fluid-carrying systems and refrigeration circuits and thermal management in concept phase and in series development process
  • Research activities in the field of vehicle thermal management





  • Diploma iz strojnistva, elektrotehnike, elektronike, tehnologije vozil, mehatronike, telematike ali podobnega
  • Prednost imajo kandidati z izkušnjami iz nalog ali projektih z študija,  in/ali profesionalnte kariere povezanih z 0D/1D CFD simulacijami
  • Aktivno znanje angleškega in/ali nemškega jezika
  • Mednarodne komunikacijske, organizacijske in koordinacijske izkušnje so prednost
  • Izkušnje in prilagodljivost v direktnih odnosih do strank in sposobnost timskega, kakor tudi samostojnega in proaktivnega dela
  • Zanimanje in izkušnje iz avtomobilske industrijo je prednost
  • Pripravljenost za kratkoročna potovanja v tujino


  • Degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, vehicle technology, mechatronics, telematics or similar
  • Background in 0D/1D CFD simulation related tasks or projects from university studies and/or professional career
  • Experience with vehicle and powertrain simulation tools is preferred
  • Your language skills in English and/or German is at least at an intermediate level
  • International experience in communication, organisation and coordination is an advantage
  • Experience and flexibility in direct customer relations and the ability to work as part of a team as well as independently and proactively
  • Interest and experience from automotive industry is an advantage
  • Short term business travel to abroad is acceptable for you





  • Zaposlitev za določen čas enega leta, z možnostjo kasnejše zaposlitve za nedoločen čas
  • Fleksibilen delovni čas z možnostjo dela od doma
  • Delo v mednarodnem okolju
  • Mentorstvo za čas poskusne dobe
  • Možnost strokovnega in osebnega razvoja ter izobraževanj
  • Skrb za zdravje zaposlenih v sklopu programa za promocijo zdravja na delovnem mestu


  • Temporary employment with option for permanent employment
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of working from home
  • Work in an international environment
  •  Mentorship for the time of probation
  • Opportunities for professional and personal development and education
  • Care for the health of employees as part of the workplace health promotion program



Vas delo zanima?
Če je tako, Vas vabimo, da uporabite naš spletni portal ter se prijavite na! Prijava je mogoča do vključno: 28.02.2025.


If so, please use our online application tool to send your application to AVL job portal Applications are available until: 28.02.2025.

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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AVL is not just about cars. It's about changing the future. Together.


Maribor, SI

Company:  AVL-AST D.O.O.
Job Function:  Mechanical Engineering
Contract Type:  Temporary
Posting Date:  Feb 22, 2025
Job ID:  37898

About AVL

AVL is one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, and beyond. We provide concepts, solutions and methodologies in fields like vehicle development and integration, e-mobility, automated and connected mobility (ADAS/AD), and software for a greener, safer, better world of mobility.

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Job Segment: HVAC, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineering, Electrical, Operations, Automotive, Engineering

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